I haven't blogged in forever! I think it's because I feel like I have had to do something important or really fun for it to be important enough for people to actually read. And we haven't done anything too crazy lately.... but I wanted to blog anyways! And I want to start taking more pictures and documenting even the small stuff we do.
Last week we went to our friends house and I got to hold the cutest puppy! I wanted to take him home with me!

Thursday was Casey's 23rd birthday so we went and had dinner at Iggy's with his friends.

We went to the Summer Fest last night with our friend Kylie who is in town from Dallas! And with my mom and sister and her kids. Yes it was white trash and yes it reminded me of high school but it was lots of fun and the kids loved going on the rides!
My sister Jen and I went on the Zipper together and laughed the whole time! It has been like 5 years since I've gone on that ride and for Jen it has been 10 years.

On a sad note, yesterday morning I went to my brother's house to help him and his family move. They moved to California because he got a job there. I am so sad! At least they live only 2 hours away from Jason's parents so when we go to visit Jason's family in Sacramento we can also make a pit stop and visit Michael and his family!