Monday, May 24, 2010


Because Jason is out here working so hard, he is rewarded with 18 holes of golf! :) Yesterday we went to church, and had to skip out a little early so Jason could finish a round of golf. And of course, I wasn't going to just sit around at home and wait, so I went and cheered him on and drove the cart! (Plus, I had never watched Jason play his favorite sport.) There was an older couple in our group and the lady asked me if I golfed and how long we've been married for. I answered that I don't golf, and we've been married for 5 months. Her and her husband have been married for 50 years and she said she wanted to give me some advice. She said that I should learn to play golf because after all our kids are grown up and out of the house, we need to still have things in common and enjoy each other. I really liked that advice! So don't be surprised when you see me with my golf clubs swinging away!


  1. That was so nice of you to go with him! What great advice too :) I'll be looking forward to seeing your new golfing skills at the end of the summer!

  2. love the blog guys! hope all is well!
